Therapy for Men
online // texas

From the outside, you have it all together. You’re hard-working and have a successful, high paying career. You take pride in your ability to provide.
But something’s off.

You used to feel excited about your life, but lately, everything seems dull. You feel disconnected in your relationships and motivation is hard to come by. Every solution you’ve tried doesn’t work - which frustrates you to no end. All you know is everything used to be better, and it would be great if you could get back to that level again.

Start to feel like yourself again.
I specialize in working with successful, hard-working men in Houston, Texas who feel exactly like you do right now. Stressed, frustrated, and unfulfilled in life.
I’ll help you discover what’s blocking you from your goals and give you tools and strategies to fix it.
How it works:
step one
Get started here. During our first meeting, we’ll chat about what brings you into therapy and what you’d like to get out of the process.
step two
During the first month of therapy, we’ll get to know each other and work together to create a plan that will help you reach your goals.
step three
We’ll continue to meet weekly or biweekly to build strategies for coping with stress so you can start to feel like yourself again.

Greater Heights starts here.

Frequently asked questions
+ Can I have a session with my partner?
I do not offer relationship therapy. I have a lot of great referrals if this is a service that you need.
+ What should I be doing in between sessions?
We will plan homework based on your needs. I might suggest things like writing, reading, mindfulness practices, or tracking habits, etc.
+ How can therapy increase performance at work?
Therapy can help you identify patterns, self-limiting beliefs and poor habits that are keeping you stuck. As you learn more about why you are stuck, you will free up space to focus on making changes. Values identification can help you reconnect with what’s important to you. When your behavior is aligned with your values, you will feel better. Establishing healthy habits is a great tool, so evaluating sleep, diet, and exercise is very important. It’s amazing how these few simple (not easy) things can go a long way. Goal-setting is another skill that helps with performance. Therapy adds a layer of accountability because I will be checking in with you each week regarding progress.
+ How do I leave work stress at work?
Even for men who love their jobs, work can still be stressful. Disconnecting from work and being present at home is not an easy task. Set boundaries with work email. Maybe it’s no emails on the weekend or no emails until after dinner or no emails in the evenings at all. Come up with what works for you and stick with is. Create a ritual to help with the transition from work to home. If you have a commute in the car, consider listening to a podcast about one of your interests (fitness, sports, music, etc). If your commute is short, consider stopping by a park or just pulling over before you get home to spend a few minutes by yourself. You can also try creating a ritual as soon as you get home (taking a shower, changing clothes, sitting on the porch). Come up with something that when done consistently will tell your brain that you are no longer working. Prioritize sleep and exercise. Both are very effective for stress-management.